Whistleblower protection

If you have witnessed or experienced wrongdoing such as illegal, fraudulent, corrupt or unethical practices, at a company that has entrusted us with handling such concerns, you can report it here in confidence.

Who can blow the whistle?

Any employee or business associate, including suppliers and customers, of the entity in question. Whistleblowers will not be charged for our services.

What happens after making a complaint?

Once we have received your complaint, we will raise your concerns with the organisation and see the investigation through to its conclusion while keeping your identity confidential.

What can I report?
Wrongdoing that falls into one or more of the following categories:

How do I report it?
Fill in the form below to file a complaint.

Please note that your details will be handled in a confidential manner and will not be shared with the organisation named in your complaint without your explicit consent. For more information about what we do with your personal data, refer to our Privacy Policy.
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